Thursday, January 15, 2009

Things are going to change around here...

Ok, so I realize things have been very dry around here lately...I haven't had the energy to be controversial or even slightly amusing:) I am also sure you have all heard enough of the we may or may not be retiring saga vs my babies are growing up saga....So I have come up with a plan to take things to another level around here.....I going to have a schedule of topics...of sorts:)

Monday: Mommy Monday: I have come across this little jem of a book that has quotes as to what it means to be a mom in the different stages of on Monday's I will write about mothering school aged children.

Tuesday: Traveling Tuesday: I will write about all my adventures on the roadways of Oahu...promises to be interesting if nothing else:)

Wednesday: Walk it out Wednesday: I will share my walk with Christ.

Thursday: Thankful Thursday: I will list one thing about each of my family members that I am thankful for that week.

Friday: Freaky Friday(after the Disney Movie): I will share my thoughts on quotes from the motherhood book about raising teenagers.....maybe a little frightening for mothers of little angels...

Of course I have creative rights so any other time I may jump in and post about other things...but these topics are guaranteed.

Since today is Thursday....I am thankful that.....

My husband is in port right now and will be pulling in the driveway any minute now:)

Britt is at a basketball game with Netta supporting Ace whose mom is in Iraq...she's a good friend and she goes all out for those she loves.

Joshua and Becca brought all the patio furniture and my swing from the backyard to the garage...they are really growing up:)

Zman still likes to cuddle:)

Thankful Thursday:)

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