Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Rick Springfield Fan

Apparently, I offended a Rick Springfield fan in my mullet post because this is the comment I received from ANONYMOUS.

FYI, Rick Springfield still has a large fan base, just because you don't like his hair doesn't mean much.

I think anonymous is from Rochester, NY which would add credibility to my theory that, that particular area of NY is stuck in a time warp.

What anonymous does not realize is that my blog tracks visitors according to where they I could be wrong....but I believe they are from NY.

Another thing anonymous does not realize is that I am the Queen of this Kingdom....That was the title of the first blog I ever wrote was and I only allow what I want to appear on my blog..... And don't think that it takes a lot of courage to leave a post with the name you?

But since the comment supports my theory I thought I would give it it's own special post...

My good friend who hates writing proposals for her job right now and is looking for any reason to avoid them looked Rick Springfield up on the net for me and found the following:

Just for reference, he is ranked 584, right under Rick Astley.

and....she had this to say....

The only really good thing I can say is that Rick’s mullet was at least better than the current scruff he’s sporting…

So to all of you who are Rick Springfield fans.......Don't You Wish You Had Jessie's Girl?


Miss Hope said...

Girl, I can't lie. Mullet or not...that man can sing Jessie's Girl to me any day of the week!

Shari said...

You are not going to believe this! He was at Busch Gardens last night and we were there. Unfortunately though I was the only one in our fam that wanted to see I can only say I heard him as we stood in line for the rides. *sigh*