Did you ever have one of those weeks........
You see I go to some sort of store at least once a day...for work, home, or church. I went to the store specifically to get laundry detergent 4 times last week and all 4 times I forgot it. The other times I meant to get it....but those last 4 times that was the reason I went to the store....and I got side tracked each time. I mean I had other things on my list so it's not like I totally walked in and got side tracked by shiny things....I just got everything on the list BUT the laundry detergent.
Let me say that I do not have a physical list...but one in my head.
So anyway,Friday after I left Walmart and got about half a mile down the road I remembered I forgot laundry detergent. So, I called Mellie and asked her to please please please get me some when she went to the NEX. I told her anything small and cheap...just enough to get me started. I jokingly said that if she forgot to get it that it would be a sign that I was not suppose to do laundry ever again.
So....yup...you guessed it! Mellie forgot to get it at the NEX and ended up having to stop at Foodland and buy me some laundry detergent.
I am only 37...how could I keep forgetting laundry detergent? Maybe because I really don't want to do the laundry.............
You know, you could always borrow some from the other old babe out in Nevah Land.
When I was sitting in traffic coming out to nevah land I thought I was going to pee my pants laughing at us old women. I still find it hard to believe that we make SIX trips to the store for ONE bottle of detergent!
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