Thursday, May 21, 2009

God appointment.....

Have you ever had one of those times when you knew at that exact moment you were at the exact place where God had ordained you to be?

I had one of those moments today, while working on the Navy Respite Care project. I went to the home of a wonderful young women who is full or strength and faith. She has two beautiful little boys who are both children with exceptional needs...which really is ok... because she is an EXCEPTIONAL mom...ordained by God to minister to His two angels here on earth.

She went into the meeting with the thought that the whole respite care process was going to be lengthy and it would be some time before she would be able to receive in home care....and be able to take a break and pour back into herself...because as a Navy spouse and a mom she quite oftRemove Formatting from selectionen pours out more than is even physically possible to ever pour back in. (can I get an amen on that one...we are all guilty of doing that).

However, after the meeting she was amazed that she would be able to receive care immediately and at that moment she was able to release all the stress and pent up emotion of her children's medical struggles and diagnosis, as well as, the strain of being a military spouse. I was able to (hopefully) encourage her and let her,let it out.

I am thankful to God for allowing me to be the vessel that brought such a blessing into her life and I pray that this project is able to help many more like her.


Roni said...

That is amazing Jill!

Miss Hope said...

How wonderful to hear this! What a testimony! I do believe we some times have to dig just a bit deeper inside and find reserves we didn't know existed..but those reserves do run out eventually. Bless her for finally getting some relief and may God keep blessing you with this new direction in your life!

Lea said...


I always thank God for giving me the courage, wisdom and heart to help when I can...but I never thought to thank him for the oportunity. I think he knows in my heart of heart I really do appreciate it, but reading your story I think I'll remember to include it in my thanks.

What a wonderful praise report... I can't imagine that mother's relief...I just can't.
